Let “creation” be the keyword instead of “doing”
I’ve been working in the field of construction industry in the last years which formed my ars poetica the way it is now. I describe myself as a new generation implementer who can see beyond the straight lines and shapes. I try to see through my clients’ eyes in order to make their dream come true. When I work on a project I give all my creativity, capability, knowledge to my clients because I think they shouldn’t transform to an implementer after their hard workdays.
Having finished the renovation, sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye. It’s a strange feeling. It’s like a friendship come to an end. Some of them consider me as a friend who remains in their heart. That’s what I feel it was worth to work for.More >>
Ferenc Attila
Video gallery
Before – After gallery
Home improvement: complete implementation from a single source
New bathroom? Do you bore the kitchen? Or would you painting the whole apartment? Rather, all at once! Our company takes full home renovation. [/one_fourth] [one_fourth]
New-home construction: perfect quality houses
Comfortable and modern! What kind of home do you want? Tell us! [/one_fourth] [one_fourth]
Building Services: We offer a solution for everything
Creak? Rumble? You should replace the old one? Or renovate? We repair, assemble, replace, build it! It will not recognize the old home! [/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]
Doors and windows: doors, windows, wood and plastic
KBE Systerm 70? Do you understand? Do not worry! You only have to choose the windows and doors you like. [/one_fourth_last]
Home renovation from A to Z: comprehensive, high-quality workmanship.
Our home is the most important arena of our life. So it’s important to feel comfortably. Inno Casa Bau Ltd. helps you to create this convenience. We carry out home improvement, house building, installation of doors and windows, plumbing, carpentry and metalwork. Trusted specialists works to create a home that you have dreamed. What’s the secret? That there is no secret! No lower-case conditions, no scams, just decent, fair work. Our prices are such as to win her prospective clients. Ask for a quote now!